[mey-lahnzh, -lahnj]–noun, plural -langes [-lahnzh, -lahn-jiz]
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a mixture; medley. [French, from Old French meslance, from mesler, to mix; seemeddle.] pas⋅tic⋅cio (pā-stē'chō, -chē-ō, pä-) n. pl. pas·tic·ci (-chē) A work or style produced by borrowing fragments, ingredients, or motifs from various sources; a potpourri. [Italian, from Vulgar Latin *pastīcium, pasty; see patisserie.] Thats basically what i am, and in a way we all sort of are. I made a blog before (http://thecultureobserver.blogspot.com/2009/12/hallyu.html) but i had email synchronization issues with that due to Google accounts slowly becoming universal and a google account cant be associated with another google account. Which i dont mind its just the adjusting phase thats the rub. So to clear up mission/vission issues from the start here im going to have different tidbits of my interests and maybe even my life (but i have a strong feeling its mostly going to be interests.) i have different interests, different hobbies, and am a very mixed media type so thats mostly what will be here. No promises, but for now thats what i foresee. And its general enough to stick so theres there for the first entry. Amen. Coming next: i will post about my netventure as i try to sign up and use different Asian drama forums and torrent sites. |
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